该课程的完成符合教学硕士学位和华盛顿州的要求 Residency Teacher Certification. After completing certification requirements, SPU教育学院认证办公室推荐教师执照的候选人 Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. 在整个课程或实习后的夏季完成五个额外的研究生水平课程,满足MAT学位的要求.
Program schedule and cohort info
A new cohort begins each summer at the end of June. 课程从网上开始,在六月底和八月初也有校园会议. Coursework is entirely online for the month of July. During the academic year (i.e.(秋季-春季学期),候选人通常每周上一晚课.
Program components
AMAT项目的认证部分是45个学分. 大约三分之一的学分分配给学生教学, which is full-time and supervised, for 180 days in a classroom. Completion of certification courses, internship requirements, 通过项目评估,候选人就有资格获得华盛顿居民证书. 该证书使候选人能够在华盛顿州的公立和私立学校任教. 硕士学位是通过完成额外的15个研究生学分或5门课程获得的.
- Demonstrating effective teaching practices
- Centering 对学生成绩寄予厚望的指导
- Recognizing and responding to individual student learning needs
- Providing 明确和有意地关注主题内容和课程
- Fostering and managing a safe, positive learning environment
- Using 多个学生数据元素,以修改教学和提高学生的学习
- Communicating and collaborating with parents and the school community
- Exhibiting 合作和合议的实践侧重于改善教学和学习
注意:该计划的认证部分和硕士部分的学费是不同的. 而认证课程则以较低的价格提供, 所有硕士课程的学生都按照正常的研究生学费费率学习硕士课程.
Coursework and Internship
课程从夏季开始,包括在线和校内的理论学习课程, general teaching methods, curriculum design, and literacy strategies. 课程作业因背书领域而异,以提供学科特定的重点. 候选人通常与获得相同初选支持的同龄人一起上课,以促进大学之间的相互依存. 课程作业的校内会议次数因背书区域而异.
随着K-12教师返回学校接受在职培训,实习将于8月底开始. 候选人在整个学年实习,同时完成在线和校园课程. 校内和在线课程结合实习经验,帮助考生将教育理论和研究应用于规划, instruction, and assessment.
候选人在学校环境中与导师教师和大学实地主管配对. 在整个K-12学年期间,每周实习五天, including in-service and end-of-the-year activities. 候选人可能每个月有两个休息日来参加项目要求和健康目标.
候选人和导师遵循共同教学模式, where responsibility for planning, instruction, management, and assessment is shared. 候选人开始实习,重点观察和进步到独立教学. Across internship, 候选人完成旨在最大化现场经验的作业, such as internship reflections, lesson plans, and program assessments. 实习结束时,候选人将课堂责任的控制权交还给他们的导师老师.
Completion of the MAT Degree
考生通过完成五门额外的研究生课程获得MAT学位, totaling 15 credits. 这些课程按研究生的常规学费收费. MAT学位所要求的课程不需要认证. However, 大多数候选人在获得证书后立即完成学位要求,以增加他们的基本工资. 考生可以在入学后的五年内推迟完成学位要求, 只要保持积极的注册状态,每四个季度完成一节课. 获得高级学位的学生可以转学15个学分中的12个 from their previous institution. All students are required to 完成EDU 6085道德问题教育,获得MAT学位.
Course sequence
参加AMAT课程的考生遵循的课程顺序旨在超越当今课堂的需求. 毕业生完成课程后具备有效教学所需的知识和技能, 通过实习经验的整合发展, positive peer interdependence, 并重点为中小学生在多个领域的教学背书.
候选人在开始该计划时,根据认可,将获得特定的课程顺序. 下面显示了basic Certification的示例序列.
Courses for Certification
EDU 6132
Learners in Context (3)
EDU 6150
EDU 6524
Curriculum Design (3)
EDU 6918
Introduction to Teaching (2)
EDRD 6529
Teaching Reading: Strategies of Instruction (3)
EDU 6130
Classroom Management (3)
EDU 6134
Professional Issues/Abuse (2)
EDU 6945
Residency Student Teaching Internship (5)
EDMA 6432
Elementary Math Methods (3)
EDU 6136
Content Methods (3)
EDU 6139 |
Internship Seminar (1)
EDU 6945
Residency Student Teaching Internship (5)
EDU 6133
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Education (3)
EDU 6139
Internship Seminar (1)
EDU 6945
Residency Student Teaching Internship (5)
MAT degree courses
EDSP 6644
Educating Exceptional Students (3)*
Any 6000-level EDTC course*
EDU 6085
Moral and Theological Issues in Education (3)*
EDU 6120
American Education: Past and Present (3)*
EDU 6526
Survey of Instructional Strategies (3)*
*Indicates a master’s component course. 许多学生选择在认证后的夏天完成这些课程.
Routes to Certification
申请AMAT项目的申请人符合这些条件之一, though all routes require a bachelor's degree 并在地区或地方一级的高需求地区得到认可;
Route 2: For district staff with a bachelor’s degree.
现受雇于学区或私立学校的工作人员(如辅助教育工作者), instructional assistants, 或教育助理)至少有一年的学生互动和领导经验.
Route 3: For “Career changers” with a bachelor’s degree
Route 4: 具有学士学位及有限资格证书之地区职员.